Reverend Judith Dalmasso

The Reverend Judith Dalmasso joined the congregation at St. Alban’s in the early part of 2019. Well before graduating from Nashotah House Seminary with a MTS in 2006, Judith had been involved in ministry with her husband, The Reverend Canon Gary Dalmasso, in their ministry, Renewal in Christ Ministries, Inc. (RICM), conducting renewal conferences throughout the US and in the Netherlands. She comes to us with the heart of a shepherd, a joy in worshipping, and with a desire to grow the faith of those who the Lord brings into her life. (Mother) Judith is always available for conversation, a prayer or two, or just sitting in the presence of the Lord with one another.

Robin Sade, Church Secretary

I’ve attended St. Alban’s since March, 1986. Since then, I’ve been a member of Altar Guild, ECW, Lay Eucharistic Minister, usher, church secretary, served on the Vestry 7 times, 5 being Sr. Warden, once being Jr. Warden,. Now, I’m a postulant under the tutelage of the Reverend Kathleen Milligan. Outside of church, but Diocesan related, served on the Secretariat, Rectora of Cursillo, served on numerous teams of Cursillo, have been a delegate to the convention 5 or 6 times. Outside of church, I work part time at the place from which I retired, in a less stressful position, setting my own hours. Going to movies, spending time with family and friends. Vacationing in Arizona, hopefully getting to Ireland someday.
Sherry Rodriguez, Sr. Warden

I have been at St. Albans for 36 years, I stay very active in the church, have been on vestry several times and served as senior warden in the past as well as being the current senior warden. I am involved in our ECW (Episcopal Church Women) group currently the co-chair for that group. I am also on the Memorial Committee and currently chair of that committee as well. I have been for most of these years on the Human Needs Committee I have helped serve the homeless for about 25 years. I have been Mom for Happening (Youth Ministry). I am involved in MDT which is a Ministry Development Team. I have been on the Youth Committee in the past and love the little ones! Am currently on the Altar Guild, Sing in our Choir, a Eucharist Minister, Lay Reader, Usher and Acolyte in the summer when choir is on break. My fondest memories are the wonderful friendships I have made, I met my husband at St. Albans and my Son Troy was baptized at St. Albans. I enjoy cards, watching TV, playing Bingo, traveling (by airplane)!
Vestry Meetings

The vestry is the legal representation of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. The basic responsibilities of the vestry are: to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation, to support the church’s mission by word and deed, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances. Vestry meetings are held the second Monday of every month.